
15 Reasons why Dr. Museveni is Insisting on A“Scientific Elections”

Odaka Asuman

What do they actually mean by Scientific?

For some time now, there has been a heated hullabaloo sort of debate about what has come to be called “scientific elections” as announced by the Justice Simon Byabakama Electoral Commission some months ago.

Attentively observed, the argument being advanced especially as a justification for postponement of the polls are not whether Ugandans want to go to the polls but portrays how faithless Ugandans especially those who understand the nit gritty of elections and its deep implication.

In fact the moral of the debate is an attempt to have election rather be organized under a different leadership. To illustrate how faithless they are, a number of opinion polls conducted by both media houses including The New Vision which besides being a government newspaper, Mr. Museveni personally owns a share in addition to other reputable research firms have confirmed that Ugandans would rather have Dr. Museveni extend his rule than waste their time and resources into a perfect imitation of an elections.


To the conflict managers, the current contest of words presents an early warning signal of a post-election conflict that has become a hallmark of Uganda’s after-election-life.  In fact the condition pertaining right now (Covid19 aside) are similar to the pre-1980 election (according to those who were alive) that set stage for NRA’s 5 year bush war. Equally very identical to the pre-2007 Kenyan post-election violence.

The anger in the population is very terrifying, the rhetoric of the major players  both incumbents and opposing side is of a confrontational nature, the punishing brute with which the security treats the civilians and the open  mindedness with which the general population seem willing to defy the intimidation by the state if when they openly know it’s risky.

From the onset however, I wish to state that there will be absolutely nothing  scientific enough about 2021 election apart from increased election violence, voter bribery, torture of divergent political opinion holders, election fraud, arresting opposition activists on trumped up charges and increased suffocation of dissenting views among other mischievous things in the most sophisticated way ever seen and the defense will be because it is “scientific”

Just like Mr. Museveni’s regime’s insatiable ambitions to hold onto power in perpetuity has created new words like “kisanja, Togikwato, Rubengo  etc in the study of Political science, “scientific election” as a word will most likely be another contribution in the field but not in the conventional definition of its real meaning but as scapegoat of an unusual situation permitting change of goal posts for the benefit of those who control the state.


In the context of the 1986 Political consensus  whose tendencies is still dominant in the NRM regime, the term science or “scientific” has its connotation far different from what we know as “the pursuit of general knowledge, truth and application of fundamental laws of existence”. To them it carries the meaning of deception, fraud, untruthfulness, machinations, maneuvering, set-ups, trickery and ruse among others.

The first public figure to use the word “scientific” in reference to the conduct of public affairsin Uganda is the now presidential aspirant Hon. Charles Rwomushana. Whenever there was unexplained market fire, school fires, murder of young women, unendding high profile assassinations, accident etc, it was common to hear Charles Rwomushana codify it as “scientific” to imply that it was a deliberate action of insiders, plotted and or planned by some powers holders that are supposed to protect the same.

Charles Rwomushana is a trained spy, very informed man who invests his time and resources to get reliable information. So his narrative is one of those I don’t easily dismiss.

The breakout of the Covid19 pandemic ushered into the world what today is being called the “New Normal” because the venture capitalists avoid calling it the abnormal situation for the obvious reason that such description  would affect what they call “their economy”.

Leaders all over the world who had been politically cornered, found legitimate cover and decoy to recreate create reasons to justify their hold onto power even against the aspirations of their people.

It’s now common to hear and see leaders disregard law but front opinions of scientists. Yet in the view of the general public some of these are not in the orthodox science but only in the radical definitions of Charles Rwomushana’s context.

It is not surprising for example that even police no longer keeps law and order but the opinion of the “scientists” sometimes cleverly branded as presidential directives. LDU and some persons in security agencies have killed a number of Ugandans in cold blood because they are enforcing the opinions of “scientists”.

During the lockdown, I know many people who are above the opinions of the “scientists” going about their business. Even today businesses of those who control “science” are operating while for those to whom “science “is supposed to apply are still under lock and key.

We also witnessed Hon. Ibrahim Ssemujju Nganda being brutalized for holding a meeting which even in the opinion of the independent observers conformed to the standard Operating Procedures while Jane Ruth Acen who in complete disregard to her own led effort held procession being defended by the Head of State. Mike Mukula recently was seen holding a huge gathering in a church even when churches are closed. Even during the total lockdown we saw ministers distributing food freely but Hon. Zzake was treated with cruel brute for sending his agents to take food to the suffering people.

It’s in the same context of science that the Electoral Commission has outted the 2021 road map and insisting on holding the elections.

Many people have raised opinions calling on the president to postpone elections arguing that the pertaining situation can’t permit some activities that make the election meet the free and fair election condition as per the law dictates. To this, they say there is nothing that can stop an election.

When they are the told to open up campaign as described by the law, they quickly remind you of the “New Normal”. So for those who didn’t know, “the science” we are dealing with is actually the science of no known rules of engagement.

So anyone entering into this election must at all times get reminded that we are entering into a political contest with no known standard rules engagement and that even those known can change any time as long as those who manage the “scientist” deem it necessary.

It’s known that scientist must work for benefit of every Ugandan, did anyone hear like I heard the president warning Ugandans against “his scientist”?

In my opinion scientist, just like all other professionals are for the benefit of the country and citizen are at will to ask for clarification on issues they have not understood, why then should we be warned of asking questions to the same people we pay.

The issue is that the possibility of the NRM to out rightly win the forthcoming elections without the application of opinion of the “scientists is very slim”. Therefore those calling for an election to be postponed are day dreaming.

There are salient factors which make the election victory of Dr. Museveni impossible unless the elections are scientific;

In the next segment we shall discuss the 15 reasons why Dr. Museveni cannot win an election unless its “scientisfic

The writer is an Aspiring MP, Tororo Municipality 2021

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Email. asumanmrjn@gmail.com

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