
21 People test Positive with COVID-19 in Buikwe District as Task Force Close Najjembe

Buikwe district COVID-19 task force has decided to close Najjembe road side market after 3 people from this district were confirmed to be positive with coronavirus.

Najjembe market is located along Kampala – Jinja high away in the middle of Mabira forest and its common for roasted chicken and other refreshments which travelers usually stopover to enjoy on their journey.

In a meeting held today by district COVID-19 task force members decided to close it after ministry of health confirming that 3 more from Buikwe district have tested positive of this virus.

According to Buikwe district health officer Richard Serunkuma Bbosa says that in total the district has 21 positive cases, 1 recovery and 16 are in institutional quarantine.

Below are the results from Ministry of Health on COVID-19 tested on 2nd, June, 2020.

Results from samples tested on 02 June 2020 confirm 18 new COVID-19 cases. The total confirmed cases are now 507.

🔺4 new cases are truck drivers who arrived from South Sudan via Elegu

🔺2 new cases are from Malaba

🔺12 cases are among alerts and contacts to previously confirmed cases; 8 from Amuru, 3 from Buikwe and 1 from Kyotera districts.

🔹Additionally, 21 positive foreign truck drivers (13 Kenyans, 3 Tanzanians, 4 Eritreans and 1 Congolese) were handed over to their country of origin

🔸Total Recoveries: 82

🔹Samples from Points of Entry tested today: 774

🔸Samples from alerts and contacts: 312

🔹Total samples tested today: 1,086

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