
Mukono High Court Begins Plea Bargain Camp for Jinja Prison Inmates

The high court circuit Mukono has commenced the first ever plea bargaining camp, which will run for three days for inmates under its jurisdiction and Jinja Main Prison, aimed at reducing inmates by half of 203.

The camp commenced today, December 4, 2023, and will run for 3 days at Mukono High Court. It is expected to handle ninety-six cases that have been registered for disposal.

According to Justice David Matovu, the Head of High Court Mukono,the three-day camp will be presided over by himself and Lady Justice Jacqueline Mwondha.

“We committed to improving criminal justice dispensation and backlog clearance in the circuit,” Justice Matovu said.

He added that the bulk of cases to be handled during the camp are aggravated defilement offences, followed by murder, rape, aggravated robbery, and sodomy, among others.

He noted that Jinja Main Prison alone was designed to have 370 inmates, but currently, it is housing 2,865, and 502 of those are on remand.

The camp is expected to end on December 6, 2023, and thereafter, Lady Justice Florence Nakachwa and Lady Justice Christine Kaahwa will be expected to handle plea bargain sessions for inmates from Luzira and Kitalya prisons, respectively.

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