Police in Kayunga have apprehended two suspected robbers who allegedly been killing Boda Boda riders and dumping the bodies in swamps.
Sekajja Rajab of Bulawula B village and Innocent Midede of Kasolo Kamponye village in Kitimbwa subcounty in Kayunga district told police that due to the poverty conditions they are facing, they had resorted to hiring Boda Boda riders in the country who they kill and sell off their motorcycles.
The two allegedly killed Godfrey Tisibwa cutting him with pangas several times on the neck and went away with his motorcycle number UEX 270C.
“We hired a rider and asked him to take us to Kitimbwa old market (in Kayunga district). When we reached a swamp, we asked him to slow down and started cutting him with pangas which we had bought in Kitimbwa market. We had no intention of killing him. It was unfortunate that he died”, the suspects who were paraded before the media told police at Kayunga central police station this afternoon.
The suspects were also allegedly found with two kilograms of marijuana.
The Kayunga district police commander, SP Rosette Sikahwa told the media that the two were arrested in Mbale, a district in Eastern Uganda following a tip off from the villagers about “unknown people who were putting on clothes filled with blood”.
Investigations are still going on to crack down the racket, according to Kayunga DPC.
One of the suspects, Innocent Midede narrated to the media how they have been carrying on their operations. He revealed that they have been selling the stolen motorcycles in Mbale city lorry park to buyers identified as Hamuzah and Aramathan.
They normally sell the motorbikes at a price between 500,000/- and 1,500,000/- depending on the vehicle condition.
According to the DPC, the suspects have killed more that 5 riders dumping the bodies in rivers. Some of the bodies were allegedly dumped in Sezibwa river, along Kalagi – Kayunga road.
SP Rosette Sikahwa, the Kayunga DPC told the media that the two have been charged with agrivated robbery and murder under criminal reference number: 1164/2023 of Kayunga.
She cautioned riders against riding at night hours adding that robbers normally target people with new and well maintained cycles. “The culprits are cycle owners with either new or well maintained cycles”, Sikahwa noted.
She advised riders to be more cautious about their lives than the money.