
Buvuma Land owners, Bibanja holders to be compensated following president Museveni’s directive

Museveni yoweri Kaguta
President Museveni has  directed the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries (MAAIF) to work collectively with the Ministry of Lands, Housing and Urban Development (MLHUD) and Oil palm growers to ascertain details of all land owners and land holders whose land was gazzetted unlawfully by oil growers investors to carry out oil palm growing in Buvuma District.
The Ministry of Finance planning and Economic Development (MFPED) led by Matia Kasaija is tasked too in compensating all the funds relevant to the land owners and land holders amicably.
President Museveni ascertained that land holders and land owners had threatened to destroy oil palm trees in gazzetted piece of land after period of trials of land owners while demanding for compensation from the oil palm growers investors.
“I am wherefore directing that you work with the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries to ascertain the Amount outstanding to the Land owners and Land holders (Bibinja holders) and have it paid to avoid disruption in the project,” stated President Museveni’s directive effected statement issued on 14 April 2024.
In addition; president Museveni directed the Ministry of Lands; Housing and Urban Development (MLHUD) for Oil palm growers to plan intemittely to compensate for the Land already identified in the country for Oil palm growing amicably.
Accordingly; the compensation plan could be implemented in the period of three years since compensation funds may not readily be available given to other pending priorities and unforesable circumstances of government expenditures.
“The funds should also be availed to the Ministry for fertilizers;” stated President Museveni.
According to president Museveni the Land compensation plan and budget allocation on oil palm growing business to the land owners and Land holders could be effected  countrywide by 2026.
As for clarity; 75000 people in Kalangala over 276 are directly involved in oil palm growing and growers and outgrowers in harvesting especially under Kalangala oil palm growers Trust and have contributed to the area’s economic development despite the increasing wraggles of land grabbing by oil palm growing investors in the area.
The oil palm Uganda Limited is mandated with the contract to purchase oil palm harvesting in the Uganda.
The government of Uganda through the Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development (MFPED) effected shs:53billions grants to Kalangala Palm growers Trust to invest in oil palm growing business in 2023.

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