
Democratic Party (DP) in Mukono made Alliance with National Resistance Movement Party (NRM) in Youth village Elections

Democratic Party in Mukono district decided to make alliance with National Resistance Movement Party during village youth elections in order to try to overpower National Unity Platform.

This happened at the villages of Dandira, Lweza among others were DP leaders resolved to work with NRM in order to overpower NUP and this happened in presence of DP leadership in Mukono central division.


In Kavule village found in Mukono municipality candidates decided to use money to bribe voters and each youth who lined behind a particular candidate was given money to participate in it.

The battle at this village was between two big people from Mukono district within NRM party who sponsored each camp and one group had alot of money which they tried to use to bribe voters.

NUP candidate who won Kikooza

However the person who dished a lot of money from NRM party lost to an independent candidate with a difference of 10 votes.

National Unity Platform performed well in entire Mukono municipality which has been a strong hold for Democratic Party for the last 10 years and it has been followed by NRM.

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