Don’t eat PDM money, Use it well to uplift your wellbeing  

Mukono District launched Parish Development Model program PDM on Friday

The chief guest was Hon. Kaliisa Jovelyn Kyomukama who urged the Parish Chiefs as the accounting officers for the Parish Saccos to continue mobilizing people because it has been noted that most people in the villages don’t know much about PDM yet they are the beneficiary of this program.

She also advised people to have financial discipline if they are to benefit from this program and also warned them about the politicians from the opposition who soon coming to their village with the gospel of “Sente Mulye.” Meaning use the money the way u want.

She advised them to saw the seed if they are to reap. ” Ensigo tebajirya” Lastly she said that PDM isn’t a program for only NRM people.

“President Yoweri Museven came to serve the People of Uganda not only NRM people and he is fighting hard to eradicate poverty in Uganda” Kaliisa said

Among other guests were ONC team led by Muramira Gashegu and Jamada Kivumbi