
EXCLUSIVE: Ugandans In East London Receive Consular Services, As The Birmingham-Uganda Investment Convention Focuses On New Investment Opportunities

An outreach services desk for Ugandans in East London at the Birmingham-Uganda Investment Convention.

The Birmingham Uganda Investment Convention kicked off in East London. The event is a Ugandan community partnership between Ugandans in the United Kingdom and those back home.

Deputy High Commissioner to the UK, London, Ambassador John Mugerwa, delivered the opening remarks at the Birmingham-Uganda Investment Convention, highlighting the available investment opportunities in Uganda in the areas of agriculture, health and social care, and real estate, among others.

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Birmingham Uganda Investment Convention Limited aims at bringing together Ugandans/British living in the diaspora and investment partners in both Birmingham, (and all other parts of the UK) United Kingdom, and Uganda, whilst ensuring the creation of an avenue for finding a market, knowledge, skills and new investment opportunities for the two countries.

An outreach services desk for Ugandans in East London at the Birmingham-Uganda Investment Convention.

Parallel to the Birmingham-Uganda Investment Convention, the High Commission 🇺🇬🇬🇧, carried out an outreach mission of providing consular services to the Ugandan community in the West Midlands.

In addition, over this weekend, outreach services continue at West Ham Memorial Grounds, Memorial Avenue, London, E15 3DB.

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