Personality of the Week

How Tax compliance propelled John Sendagire Kasirye to business success amidst all the challenges

What you should know:

John Sendagire Kasirye failed a number of businesses but was still able to build Uganda’s number 1 Top 100 mid-sized companies, according to the KPMG survey. Lizzy Nabuma talked to him to discover his secret ingredient behind this success.

John started his business life in his senior 4 in Kyebando Kisalosalo, a Kampala suburb. He was vending bread on a bicycle which was donated to him by his father. Upon completion of high school, he enrolled for ACCA, a 9 month accounting certificate course. In 2005 however, when he discovered the secret in information technology, he enrolled with Aptech for a Diploma in Information Systems Management and this helped him to secure a job with Nile Computers Ltd as a business manager and network Administrator.

According to Sendagire, the job at Nile Computers was a game changer. He says that Mid Muhereza, the proprietor of the company trusted him so much and offered to mentor him into a businessman.

By 2008, John had already started his business in Mukono doing computer repairs, sales and networking. But things we’re not that easy for this young professional who carried a big dream of becoming Uganda’s real estate investor.

He recalls how he lost over 14 million Uganda shillings to court bailiffs when he failed to pay office rent and had his business closed and property confiscated. But to him, this was the most important part of his life.

Although it affected him at first, Sendagire had to restart his life to learn the secrets of building a successful business.

He narrated how he confronted Mr. Bibangamba Peter a Business man in Kampala and asked him the secrets of becoming rich. The mentorship he got them from one of Uganda’s most successful investors helped him to drive MS City Side Investments Ltd into one of the fastest growing companies in Uganda.

With the guidance of Mr. Bibangamba, Sendagire reveals that he continued to attend conferences in Kampala and reading self-help business books.

One of the secrets he learnt was legal compliance. This is what has helped him to even win the Top 100 midsized companies survey in Uganda.

MS City Side Investments Ltd through City Side Tax Advisors is now one of the URA Approved Tax Agents in Uganda helping people to improve their legal compliances especially in the areas of Tax and other regulatory requirements.

His company “MS City Side Investments Ltd” has grown it’s portfolios from ICT to include; Tourism and Hospitality, Hospitality and Tourism, Real Estate, Agriculture and General Merchandise.

John Sendagire Kasirye in his office

John Sendagire Kasirye in his office at MS. Cityside Investments Ltd in Mukono. PHOTO/ Elizabeth Koshaba Nabuma

John is also promoting corporate governance in Uganda and he sits on a number of boards including Bookablehood Ltd commonly known for its Tulavo brand.

Preparing the Next Generation

John is mindful about the future of his companies. He believes in Preparing his children early enough to take over the leadership after him.

“Preparing the next generation for the challenges and complexities they will face when they assume a leadership role in managing my family’s wealth is critical. I always try to provide key family members with training and education in financial and family governance to prepare them for transition into their new roles as early as possible”, He noted.

A father of 7 children; Johnson, Esther, Lawrence, Hilton, Madrin, Joan and Elizabeth Kasirye, John reveals that he continuously provide training to his children with a view of developing and implementing tailored governance structures which can ensure the preservation of his legacy for generations to come.

Sendagire John Kasirye, Founder and CEO, MS City Side Investments Ltd

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Lizzy as known at Scribe is professional passionate Journalist. Very jolly but serious when it comes to handling information. She can create change. She has created change. She will create change. Have we said all about her?

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