
Kayunga district hospital elevated to a regional referral hospital: Construction work ongoing.

Referral system for government health facilities

Village is Village Health Team (VHT)

Parish is Health Centre 2

Sub county is Health Centre 3

County is Health Centre 4


District referral Hospital

Regional referral Hospital

National Referral Hospital in Mulago, Kampala

KAMPALA, March 3, 2019: The permanent secretary in the ministry of Health, Dr. Diane Atwine has revealed that the 100 bed hospital in Kayunga which was constructed by Uganda’s former president Milton Obote will be elevated to a regional referral hospital.

Dr. Atwine told the district councillors in Kayunga last week that after completion of the ongoing construction work, the hospital will have 300 beds, a state of the art laboratory and a section for specialized services.

Dr. Atwine listening to a construction engineer in Kayunga PHOTO BY OCHIENG WOCHIENG

She was having a guided tour on the construction work which is being done by the Arab Contractors Ltd. The work which has been ongoing for the last 9 months is expected to be complete within 2 years costing 70 billion Uganda shillings.

Uganda has a system of medical referal which starts from the village as VHT, at the parish as Health Centre 2, at the sub county as Health Centre 3, at the County as Health Centre 4, at the District as a District referral Hospital, to the region region to the National Referral Hospital in Mulago, Kampala. The referral system aims at centralising specialized health services at the region and National referral hospitals leaving lower health centres to handle general health challenges.

Kangulumira Health Centre 4, a health centre in Kayunga district will now become a district referral hospital for Kayunga, according to Dr. Atwine

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