
Keep the vision of The National Chairman NRM; ONC Boss Hajjat Namyalo urged Regional Coordinators

PA. David Mafabi lecturing the coordinators on how to report positively

The head of Office of the National Chairman NRM-Kyambogo (ONC), Hajjat Hadijah Namyalo on tuesday met with the ONC Regional Coordinators at her Office in Kyambogo.

The purpose of the meeting was to do a review in the work done, ever since they were flagged to go to the field as per the National Chairman NRM directive.

In the interactive session Namyalo thanked them for the progress made with regard to monitoring the implementation of government programs like PDM, Emyooga, Health sectors, schools and others.

The Senior Presidential Advisor also reminded coordinators about the vision of the National Chairman, H.E Yoweri Museveni Kaguta as Fighting corruption, ensuring that children under UPE/USE are not charged extra fees and also working towards implementation of the NRM Party Manifesto.

Hajjat Namyalo while delivering her message to the coordinators

The Senior Presidential advisor David Mafabi who gave a brief lecture on how the ONC Coordinators can monitor the NRM manifesto using the 3Ws of What? Where?, Why? and How? while in the field, in order to file good and clear reports.

Mafabi told them that they are the eyes and the ears of the president on the ground and emphasized team work when executing their duties in the field.

“You should not be intimidated by any one, remember it is the highest office in this country which entrusted you to do the Job” Mafabi added.


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