
Kitaasa Parish targets 150m; calls for government support

”Were born with nothing and so we shall leave with nothing in this world. When you contribute for Tarazo drive; you renovate the church the palace of worship for Catholic community,” starts the theme for Kitaasa Parish towards the renovation of the church with Tarazo this year.
The Kitaasa Parish has been in existence for the last eighty three years and it has seen the lives of many Catholics and well wishes changing from grass to grace.
“God you shepherd me during Covid-19 pandemic fortunately, I’m still alive. Let me contribute to the Tarazo funds drive as away of appreciating your protection. You’ve provided me with all I needed during Covid-19 pandemic and lifted me this far when other perished under your will. Thank You oh Lord, ” continues the theme.
Though a Parish; Kitaasa is composed of 20 sub- parish, now targeting a hundreds years celebrations since 1939, the founding body has resolved to renovate the church structure and the face of it thus rallying for 150m for it’s refurbishment.
” We’re now preparing to renovate the church by installing Tarazo in and outside the church, ” shared Samuel Lubowa also the Chairman Tarazo drive yesterday.
According to Mr Lubowa also a veteran tutor at St Victor Kitaasa Secondary School, the renovation will need funds from Catholic community and even now Catholic to contribute towards the renovation of the structure.
” We call all public members including President Museveni and those from within the church community and public community and the entire world to come up to assist funding the works of God,” he shared.
As for clarity, it has been estimated that over 872 square meters for Tarazo renovation which will cost an estimated funds worth shs: 150m.
”It is estimated that 1square meter will cost 100,000shilling; ” added Lubowa.
Currently, the church is dusty in and outside and the need to overcome this dusty by remolding it with Tarazo to flow and the entire face of it,” shared Lubowa.
According to Mr. lubowa, this may not be the sole subject of renovation there will be even more which shall be communicated in the near by future.
The Kitaasa Parish Priest is Rev. Fr. Benjamin Kyanda and the parish is credited for empowering youths and mentoring priests within the community.
It has always been a usual drive and a point of reference to all community and local leaders to come up and support the funding drive for Tarazo initiative.
According to Mr Lubowa, the parish Bank Account name: Kitaasa Parish and Account Number: 40200013600 all registered in Centerary Bank.

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