
Living the  tourism business dream at Masaka City’s Pinnacle cultural site

At the highest peak of Kirimya HillTop lies grass, beautiful stones and murrum along Kyotera- Mutukula Highway but what catches the eye to a Traveller like your writer is the Pinnacle Cultural site that has changed the tide of beauty and natural phenomenal of the Hill Top.
Several tours have been made, people from all walks of life have moved from far to cool off their worries, meet their sanity at Pinnacle Cultural Resort.
It is a place that is loved at first sight. It is a site that has lived up to the owners dream John Bosco Mushabe.
 Culture and beautiful architectural peace of work is what meets the eye. The love of beautiful flowers, tranquil light and moving well designed cottages are what moves on every tourist’s lips and eyes which has boosted the tourism sector in Masaka City.
 To be exact, the place is warm and tranquil. It has set the pace in the beauty of culture and business networking
in Masaka City.
Mushabe, the co- founder of the site, looks peculiar in talks but remains a down to earth business man.
He has met his golden goose in investing in Pinnacle Cultural resort which might be a factor to reckon with in the tourism and cultural sector as par Masaka City.
If chances could carry, Mushabe could be smiling off to a 2 billlion investment project which remains the purity of artwork in the area.
Though a wholly trained and learned business man from Makerere University, Mushabe doesn’t look what he does whatever.
Mushabe owns what many youths could yearn to or fail to achieve so he is a land lord.
He went to Kako primary school and Masaka Secondary School for his Advanced Level exams before accrimatizing all his energy at Makerere Business Institute and pursued a Barcelors Degree in Accounting and Finance.
At the age of 37, Mushabe has done whatever it takes at his youthful days to get hold onto the business sector leaving the dream of being the land lord.
Mushabe in the beginning started working as a salesman at Micro provident Uganda now letshego and worked there for two years as a supervisor.
”To start with while in there, I discovered myself as a business man. From then on I invested my little savings into mobile Money outlets in areas such as Nyendo, Lambu trading centre in Masaka City.
Within those days I started feeling the pinch within me to own my maiden.
 Sometimes it’s so hard for a wholly trained business man to live up to his dream without owning a one business. To kill the vice and see my lips and eyelids reflexing I started off by investing in real estate other than other businesses.
”I eventually found peace in investing in electronics and Mobile phones at Musha Telecom and it has survived for four years, ” said Mushabe.
All his life has not been greener in investing in mobile phones at Musha phone accessories. To add valve on his money Mushabe had to invest in Pinnacle Cultural resort.
“After sometime in business, I got the courage to extend into poultry farming. All those ideas materialised since I needed ample capital for this business,” said Mushabe.
At the end, Mushabe discovered that the amount of money he needed couldn’t firm up from mobile phones alone and invested in poultry farming.
“I started with 200 birds and now over 600 birds have materialised,” shared Mushabe.
The site; Pinnacle cultural Resort which is darling today in Masaka City is revelation work done from the travels Mushabe made before and the cultural chronicles as needed in initial plans all have been met.
” When I traveled to Lake Bunyonyi , Masheda and Karamoja region I happened to saw beautiful cottages and works of this kind;’ says Mushabe.
When Mushabe returned from the travels, he started off small by purchasing 2.5acres piece of land that today harbours Pinnacle Cultural Resort.
“The ideas kept on flowing but I had to man up and fuse all my energy onto this place by going traditional,” added Mushabe.
As for the beginning, Mushabe had shs:5m and when he started never at ofone point did he look backwards.
The facility, Pinnacle Cultural site as it shows physically and culturally, sits at the top Hill of Kirimya with Buganda cottage, Ankole cottage, Kigezi cottage and Busoga cottage.
In addition, counties such as Kabula, Mawokota, Gomba and Butambala were all catered for interms of stationing structures and resting rooms for the local community.
“Initially, I had planted 10acres of calyptus tree. Such furniture and other artitectural work have been a piece of work from my forest,” he astonishingly shared.
Mushabe has learnt that in business, people start small and grow big.
He has firmed up onto his vision and regardless of the recurring costs incurred into the business, Pinnacle Cultural Resort is work done out of generosity and commitment.
”I started up with Ankole Cottages but Initially the land had a house which was constructed before so I had to changed the plan and ensure that it fits in cultural stead,” added Mushabe.
When Mushabe changed the house to match the traditional way, not to latter other artitectural plans started to unfold.
To meet all the necessary resources, Mushabe had to cut off some of his businesses such as the mobile money outlet, his income improved since he had poultry farming too as a side business.
“This place can survive for some good years to match the trend of the business since the wave has matched onto cultural way,” he softly added.
Mushabe shares that on his visit to Lake Bunyonyi, he realized that the tourism sector had grown from local currency onto the international currency as they charge in dollars.
“Lake Bunyonyi attracts several people from all walks of life. Over the years people go to Kabale so being a native of that place, I realised that I could copy a leaf in what I saw in there and fuse it here in Masaka City,” he assumedly shared.
As for branding, Mushabe started off heavily with Masaka Cultural site before switching the notation onto Pinnacle Cultural Site.
“It’s a resort that portrays a clear image of culture and the true definition of Masaka City culturally,” shared Mushabe.
Mushabe’s style of making things happen culturally has propelled his prowess to design the whole facility culturally,” he added.
As for clarity, Mushabe has stationed six cottages and the plan is to ensure that all local foods are sold internally.
Mushabe says as a facility, they have picked up beyond to his expectations.
“The current state of Masaka City requires one to thrive peaceful with loads of capital. Land acquisition is tough like and so hard like a nut. In the next years, having land worth 5acres could be very real,” he added.
Mushabe shares that as Pinnacle Cultural site, they’ve high hopes to see the best restaurant and first class services served.
“As per now the place is not fully well stoked and I need new referrals,” added Mushabe.
In monetary terms, Mushabe charges could not be ranked heavy nor small to a client.
“We normally charge shs: 120,000 for a cottage of two people,”whispered Mushabe.
Mushabe adds that other small sized Cottages could be charged shs: 60000 and shs: 50000 for double and single room respectively.
“In business, you can’t move alone. I had to involve in other parties including my lovely wife, Catherine Nandaula who has been influential in seeing this facility standing on 2.5 acres,” he added.
Mushabe is not the goliath while managing Pinnacle Cultural resort.
“In business life, you need people who could guide you here and there. I picked great inspiration from several business people and their projects too.
Mushabe’s life all together as a business man hasn’t been rosy. He ponders that Brovad cottages in Kalangala kept on inspiring him too.
“I personally emulate Sudir. The chap has been in business for quite some good time and shows no sighs of bowing out of it. He laid a concrete foundation and I’m inspired too to move my facility to another level,” added Mushabe.
Mushabe’s dream is not wholly centred at doing business in Masaka City.
If all goes well as planned on script Mushabe hopes to make investments in nearby cities And areas such as Kabale to expand his business repotire.
“So far techical group of eight workers, cleaners and waiters plus the over all facility supervisor have made the facility tranquil,” he noted.

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