LUGANGA SAMUEL; NRM’s political reclaim; Tracing the roots of cadreship identification and development.

In the history of ideological engagement lies capitalism and communism and later
emerged liberal democracy, “an end point of mankind’s ideological evolution” and
the final form of human government.
What is significant is that Uganda has been
exposed to diverse ideological orientations and the contemporary society is undergoing profound political transformation. This is coupled with a revolution in information technology, remarkable economic prosperity at the same time growing political volatility and social economic problems.
The year 2005, was a blessing as far as the birth of multiparty dispensation and
sealed the official recognition of the NRM as a political entity, and since then to
date despite immense internal challenges in strengthening its popular foundation, enshrined in the doctrines of patriotism, pan-Africanism, Nationalism and Socio
economic transformation of mother Uganda and re-affirming the preamble of the 1995 constitution “Recalling our history which has been characterized by political and constitution instability”, we therefore say that it was lack of shared values, ethos and rightful cadres in the management of the state by then.
For almost two decades, the NRM had embarked on cadreship identification, development and placement that has seen relative peace, despite challenges and
shortcomings that the current ONC office bearer seeks to provide a solution through her political initiative of TovaKuMain.
The intent of the Bazukulu under ONC is to harness the fruits of the mustard seed, which calls for a certain level of empowerment and engagement by senior cadres through introducing political hygiene in interparty democratic dispensation as a solution
to malice, sabotage and intrigue chewing up party structures and rendering a mass party disunited and prone to ethics of selfish interest at the detriment of part candidates’ success in Buganda and elsewhere.
The absolute act of meritocracy and career based on ability approach to party building during the placement and deployment of cadres, is in fact highlighted by the on-going favorsextended to son and daughters of the said “war lords” and generals, thus creating a double standard allegiance, raising the question of where are the potential young suckers and their role in ensuring the continuity and sustainability of the yellow political nursery bed and thee revolutionary struggle, rendering many to vehemently shy away during critical party activities and thus
raising the need for identity and producing proof of identity for the yellow suckers.
The urgency need to revisit the yellow commandments or the ten-point program
to enable this young generation trace the roots of the revolutionary doctrine of the
movement system under the famous slogan “The Uganda they dreamed”, “Uganda eyebiroto byabwe”.
The recognition and authentication of individual’s political identity, together with associated rights is therefore, becoming a priority for senior youth cadres (SYC).
Cadres are decisive factor, once the political line is determined. Like ONC therefore, it is our fighting task to train & deploy large numbers of new cadres in a planned way.
The intention of the movement system should apply in its cadre policy whether or not a cadre is resolute in carrying out the party line/flag. Keeps to party discipline,
has close ties with the masses, has the ability to find his bearings independently
and is active, hardworking and unselfish. This is what “appointing people on their merit” means.
It’s necessary to maintain the system of cadre participation in collective productive labor. The cadres of our party and state are ordinary workers and not over lord sitting on the back of the people.
By taking part in collective production labor, the cadres maintain extensive, constant and close ties with the working population. This is a major measure of fundamental importance for the movement system, it will help to overcome bureaucracy and to prevent revisionism and dogmation.
We must know how to judge cadres, not confine our judgement to a short period or single incident in a cadre’s life but should consider his life and work as a whole.
This is the principal method of judging cadres, yet are also human beings, prone to
mistake and errors.
In the final analysis, leadership involves two main responsibilities, to workout ideas and to use cadres well and encourage them into action, as new breed of cadres work in unity and cooperation with the old cadres for the success of this course, with utmost enthusiasm and warmest solicitude so as to unite as one in common cause and guard against sectarian tendencies.
In order to guarantee that our party and country do not change their color, we
must not only have a correct line and correct policies but must train and bring up millions of successors, who will carry on the cause of movement revolution.
The question of training cadres for the revolutionary cause is to ensure the sustainability and continuity of the system and ensure that the leadership of the
party and state remain in hands of the movement system, pinning their hopes of peaceful evolution and disregarding bail elements from usurping the leadership of
the party and the state at any level. Such cadres must be models in applying the
party’s democratic centralism, master the method of leadership based on the
principle of “from the masses, to the masses”, and cultivate a democratic style,
good at listening to the masses.
Ought to be modest, prudent and grand against arrogance and impetuosity be imbued with the spirit of self-criticism and courage to correct mistakes and shortcomings in work, overcame errors.
Our comrades ought to understand that ideological remolding involves long
term, patient and pain staking work and they must not attempt to change people’s
ideology, which has been shaped over decades of life.
Lukanga Samuel
The writer is a Musevenist, an ambassador of humanity and a social development enthusiast