
Masaka School of comprehensive Nursing launches maiden Nexus magazine as students rallied to observe medical values 

The Masaka School of Comprehensive Nursing has launched the institution’s maiden magazine dubbed Nexus Magazine during the Alumni event organised at Masaka School of Comprehensive Nursing (MSCN) on Sunday.
Hundreds of medical students led by the institution’s principal Ms Harriet Nanyondo gathered in what was dubbed as historical re-union of MSCN students at the institutional premises in Masaka Referral Hospital; Masaka City.
Ms Nanyondo observed that though the institution has lived since 1946; they had never envisioned themselves with an institution historical magazine and launching of it was based on team work and patriotism among the students and their tutors.
” It is a God-given opportunity to complete this work and the input of the chief editor and the editorial board among the 315 and the support of institution’s governing body all made this day’ colorful;” she said.
Nanyondo shared that the launch of Nexus Magazine was based on the students creative abilities and it will help to disseminate literature works about the medical profession among the public and the would be professionals in future.
” The institution has faced a menace of reduced number of students enrolled in th in the past years due to heavy strikes of students that had taken the toll due to lack of preferred facilities for students;”  Nanyondo who joined the Masaka School of Comprehensive Nursing earlier in January shared.
Ms Nanyondo appealed to the government and the students’ alumni to work in unison with them to develop the institution by reviving the Diploma in Comprehensive Nursing course and a built-up fencing wall to over come decreasing number of obtained students and insecurity within the institution.
The chief gueft of honour Mr Fred Cherukut alias Toskian also the Executive Secretary for Uganda National students Association applauded the creative prowess and thinking big abilities exercised by medical students and tasked them to remain relevant in observing medical profession values.
Cherukut also walked home with the institution’s maiden Nexus magazine prized shs: 80,000 and contributed with shs: 200,000 to cater for sourcing of marketing the Magazine to higher masses.
” Thinking very fast for the magazine publication is a huge achievement and critically I am impressed by the discipline and the smartness exhibited among the students and their leaders;” he shared.
However; Cherukut observed that the government was emphatic on scrapping off the famous Diploma in Comprehensive Nursing from the MSCN institution’s program offered since 1992 under the guidance of Department of Health Education and Sports in the Ministry of Education and Sports headed by First lady Janet Kataha Museveni without consulting the technical and medical professionals’ representatives.
” It is very emphatic that the government hasn’t responded on scrapping off such important course for the students yet institutions in areas such as Fortportal were cleared by authorities;” he said.
According to Mr Edgar Tusiime; the Masaka School of Comprehensive Nursing Guild president also the brain behind the instititon’s maiden Nexus Magazine;  they managed to succeed as a team since students themselves funded the magazine and participated wholly in contributing articles and knowledge about the medical profession.
” I want to applaud Colleagues; Ssuuna Mujib and Muzeeyi Nkwanga for their tremendous work and their editorial works towards the success of the Nexus Magazine;” Tusiime; 25- years old shared.
Born to Mr Godfrey Mwesigye and Ms Betty Mwesigye; Tusiime shared that he has always had a positive mind to change the literally works of medical profession and together with the institution administrators they succeeded well with their goal and vision of changing the narrative of the medical profession.
The medical professions in their affiliated  cultural associations led by ; Baganda Nkobazambogo Students Association (BANKOSA) ; Runyakitara Masaka Students Association (RMSA) and others showcased sports, cultural dances and fork songs talents and the former emerged victorious with 87 percent scoring 233 points according to adjudicator Ms Agnes Kyazze.
As for clarity; The Masaka School of Comprehensive Nursing is literally a government aided Tertiary insItition founded in 1946 with the initiate of training Nursing orderlies and Medical assistant to provide care for injured World War 11 returnees.
The institution (MSCN) has achieved tremendous improvement and achievements of attaining nursing leaders and Midwifery including Mr. Mark Kalanzi also the principal of Hoima School of Nursing and Midwifery.
The institution’s vision is aimed at starting up a Bachelors of Nursing Science completion program facilitated to Mbarara University of Science and Technology effective by August 25 next year according to Ms Nanyondo.
Caption: The Chief guest of Honor Mr Fred Cherukut (Blue suit) with Ms Harriet Nanyondo (Left) and Mr. Edgar Tusiime (black suit) addressing the medical students during the re-union of Masaka School of Comprehensive Nursing students and the launch of the institutional’s maiden Nexus Magazine.
Caption 4: The Masaka School of Comprehensive Nursing  principle Ms Harriet Nanyondo addressing the medical students and the students Alumni.

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