
Mukono District leaders in a Land Grabbing Scandal with a Private School in Mayangayanga

MUKONO: November 15: The Director of Springscare Nursery and Primary School in Mayangayanga has described as baseless and unfounded propaganda spread by politicians in Mukono district which he says aims at tarnishing the image of the school.

Dr. Lubulwa Kizito Basalidde who currently stays in Australia with his family made the remarks during the school graduation ceremony on Friday November 15th at a function held at the school in Girinya. He revealed  that the district wanted to install a community water project on the school land and that talks between the school and the district to have both parties benefit yielded no positive results as the district wanted free land with no intentions of giving back to the school community.

Dr. Lubulwa with the resident director in Mayangayanga recently. [FILE PHOTO]

“The district wanted to put water on our land. We asked them to give us water in exchange of our land, they refused. We had no option but to prevent them from using our land.” Dr. Lubulwa told part of the community members who attended the graduation function. He added that a risk assessment done by the school also indicated high risks faced by the school in case of an accident from the high power water tanks and pipes which the district wanted to erect at the school.

“Since then my family has been witch hunted. My wife was once denied a national ID by the people at the sub county who accuse us of denying the district free land to carry out the water project. They are now telling the community that we jeopardized a community project” Dr. Lubulwa revealed.

By press time, a comment from the district administration in regards to the matter was yet to be secured.

He however assured the community that his family is ready to transform the community saying they are going to invest heavily in the education of the young generation.

Graudands cutting a cake with their director [FILE PHOTO]

36 children were graduated from top class (Age 5) to primary one (Age 6).

The chief Guest, Mr. Stephen Okhutu who is a Business Talk Show host on Dunamis Radio and the Chief Executive Officer of Bookablehood Ltd advised the community to put much effort in the education of their children.

“Your children are your legacy, prepare them before time to carry on your legacy.” Mr. Okhutu advised. He called upon parents never to educate their children with an intention of preparing them for job saying this will instead disappoint them. “Prepare your children to be good leaders who can be able to think and fit within their generation. This requires people who have gone to school and be able to interpret financial reports, legal instruments and other skills to avoid a crush with the professionals.”

Pupils presenting a dance [FILE PHOTO]

The school is headed by Ms. Babra Nalumansi who is assisted by a professional team of close to 20 people.

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