Nakisunga Local Council 3 Chairman in Mukono Fights Tycoon over Sand Mining

By: Hassan Bulesa
There has been drama at Nsonga village in Nakisunga Sub-county found in Mukono district when local council 3 Chairman Ssekikubo Mubaraka went and attacked the workers of a tycoon Nanjwenga Brian who were carrying out sand mining on the shore of lake Victoria which is degrading environment in this area.
The residents decided to call their LC 3 Chairman Ssekikubo and informed him about the illegal sand mining and trafficking of sand from lake shores yet there is a Presidential directive stopping all sand mining in the country and three people and a truck Reg. No. UAK 850Z which has been trafficking this sand at night was arrested by the LDU and taken to Police
When the tycoon identified only as Brain rushed to police station of Nakisunga Sub County rudely demanded for his men and a car as he is accusing the Chairman Ssekikubo of misuse of power and office which led the two into a fight.
When The Scribe News reached at the village the residents showed us where the sand mining activities is taking place with the machines which has led to the degradation of the shores of Lake Victoria and caused lake water to enter the residential houses and gardens
The residents explained that the tycoon is using heavy machines to cut the papyrus reeds which leads to environmental degradation and overflow of lake water which is taking over their garden an act they will not tolerate they further noted that he took over the all area now they not allow as the local residents to do the mining on a small scale an activity they were doing before
Brian said that he has authorized by Environmental Managing Authority (NEMA) to carry out sand mining activities and that he is not mining illegally accusing the Sub-county leadership of playing cheap politics
The Nakisunga Sub-county LC 3 Chairperson Ssekikubo Mubaraka informed this publication that he is always available to implement the Presidential directive of stopping all sand mining he has asked the residents not to allow any sand truck in Nsonga village to ferry sand out of this site, he again informed The Scribe News that he is going to fight tooth and nail to see that all the mining machines are evacuated from Nsonga.
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