
Nobert Mao Reacts on Dr. Kizza Besigye Meeting with Bobi Wine

During this Holy Month of Ramadan even non-Muslims should try to exercise restraint in manners and moderation in appetites. As Benjamin Franklin said “Eat not to dullness. Drink not to elevation”.

I will do by best not to respond to distractions and provocations. My simple answer will be “Sorry, I am fasting!” To all those we have been crossing swords with politically I say “Peace”. Let’s end all hostilities.

I call upon all political leaders to accept that Uganda is big enough for all of us. Let’s end all hostilities. Let’s be tolerant.

This particularly goes to those who seek to join in building a unified front of democracy seeking forces to dismantle the NRM dictatorship, institute a transition and transform Uganda.

We should all aspire for a nation whose foundation is Truth and Justice.

 Above all we should aspire to be led by God-fearing men and women. That way, our land will be healed.

To Kizza Besigye, Bobiwine Hon Nambooze Bakireke Betty and Erias Lukwago I say bravo. Blessed are the peacemakers. Let peace and goodwill reign in our hearts and actions.

This was his message posted on his facebook page

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