NRM REGISTER UPDATE; Busoga ONC Coordinators Suggests the Exercise Be Extended Beyond the 17th Deadline


There was a slow start of the ongoing registration exercise in Busoga Sub-region. This has been blamed on the poor mobilization and sensitization of communities by the NRM Secretariat.

In Mayuge district, Bazzukulu Coordinator Denis Muteguya reports villages where the turn up was high especially on the islands in Jaguzi. This correlates with the report from the district Coordinator Rakib who suggests the exercise be extended beyond the Sunday 17th deadline.

Regional Coordinator Kyanika Rehemah notes that there were some discrepancies in the registers brought to Bugweri district which greatly affected the registration process, people who had previously registered with the party didn’t find their names on the registers hence fresh registration.

Jinja City Coordinator Segero Alimansi continues to report low turn up at most of the registration centres throughout the city.

He says the level of completion could be at 30% as by close of business yesterday.

Buyende district Coordinator working alongside Bazzukulu Coordinator Bashir report a good turn in most parts of the district. Complaints of facilitation for registers remain outstanding

The registration process kick started on the 13th of March ending on the 17th.