
ONC Coordinators;  Kawolo Hospital in Buikwe district delivers quality service delivery to patients.

The Office of the National Chairman (ONC) team of coordinators for Greater Mukono on Friday visited Kawolo Hospital in Buikwe District in the execution of their monitoring roles as directed by HE Yoweri Kaguta Museveni recently.

Muramira Gashegu, Kivumbi Jamada, Serebe Ibrahim, and Nassuna Juliet paid a courtesy call to the hospital and they were received by the Administrator.

The Hospital Administrator Mr.Wamala Harunah – informed the ONC team that their drug supply to the facility upgraded from Ugx 77m to Ugx 88m in response to the increased demand.

The facility has a very active maternity section due to the high turn-up of mothers attracted by the culture of quality service to patients.

Ms. Juliet Nansubuga an expectant mother said that numbers a very high and sometimes they feel sorry for the medical doctors in line of their duty by providing good services to the patients.

“We thank president Museveni for the services rendered to us by the medical workers here ” She stated.

The facility is however challenged with increasing electricity bills currently at Ugx 120 million due to high capacity electricity consuming, equipment and other usage. This threatens the facility to settle the UMEME bills to avoid power disconnections.

“It is rare for the public to exhibit such good works extended by public health facilities and as ONC, we are amazed at the management of this facility,” remarked Ms. Nassuna Juliet – ONC coordinator said.

“The facility serves a high population of more than 800 outpatients a day. The government needs to boost its budget to support it” Kivumbi Jamada added.

The UPDF is currently managing a project of constructing a modern health staff residence (s) to improve the living conditions of the health workers.

“We have instruction from the headquarter headed by SPA Hadijah Namyalo Uzeiye to prioritize monitoring the public health service provision at all government facilities and our visit here is in that line”   Muramira Gashegu explained to the hospital Administrator.

The government is currently conducting manifesto accountability where it is explaining to Ugandans the milestones achieved in the implementation of a 5year social contract with HE YK Museveni as their National Chairman at NRM and President of the Republic of Uganda.

The government of Uganda between 2017-2019 renovated Kawolo Hospital with upgrades in the infrastructure and equipment.

The nice-looking and strongly hygienic hospital is now a preferred center for service to patients who travel from Eastern Uganda to Kampala.


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