
Schools in Uganda may Reopen on April 27th – Ministry of Education

Story By: Hassan Bulesa

In her address the cabinet minister for education and sports Hon. Janet Kataha Museveni informed the nation that the thirty days directive given by the president end on the April 20, 2020.  And the government will be in position to inform all the stake holders about the opening date for the schools.

However the minister noted that if everything goes well, Pre – primary, Secondary schools and primary Teachers colleges will open for continuation of term one on April 27, 2020 and ends on June 12, 2020. The second term will begin from June 22nd to September 4th 2020. And then third term begins from September 21st to December 19th 2020.

The Minister also informed that the ministry is looking forward to organize and secure free airtime on radios to engage that may not have access to online platforms.

The Minister emphasized that there will be no end of term examinations for term one this year 2020. And no additional fees should be charged when the term resumes – the minister added.

The minister also assured the public that should the lockdown be prolonged; the ministry of education and sports will communicate and find a way of engaging the learners.

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