
The Ministry of Health confirmed 84 new COVID-19 cases in Uganda, Museveni to address Nation on Tomorrow

The Ministry of Health confirmed 84 new COVID-19 cases; the highest Uganda has ever recorded on a single day. The total confirmed cases in the country now stand at 413.

The 84 cases are; 52 are truck drivers: 50 arrived from South Sudan via Elegu, while 2 arrived from Kenya via Busia.

32 are contacts to previously confirmed cases who where all under quarantine.

Additionally, 51 positive foreign truck drivers were handed over to their country of origin

Total Recoveries: 72

Samples from Points of Entry tested today: 1,477

Samples from alerts and contacts: 358

Total samples tested today: 1,835

President Museveni to address the nation:

President Museveni will address the nation on Monday, June 1 at 8p.m, ICT Minister Judith Nabakooba said on Saturday.

Ms. Nabakooba said President will guide the nation on the next steps to be taken before the current extended lockdown ends on June 4.

“H.E president @KagutaMuseveni will address the nation on matters regarding # and the way forward, on Monday, June 1,2020 @ 8pm.

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