
U.S Company Brings Clean Water to Rural Areas in Uganda

Ssamba Foundation
Ssamba Foundation

Ssamba Foundation a local community based development organization in Mukono has partnered with Makaye InfoSec an American cybersecurity company to help improve clean water supply access and agriculture productivity in Kyampisi Subcounty, Mukono District.

“Ssamba Foundation is proud to announce a strategic partnership with Makaye Infosec, an American cybersecurity company that also gives back to our societies. This partnership will see an improvement of water supply and initiation of backyard gardening projects in Kyampisi subcounty, Mukono district in Uganda”- announced Isaac Ssamba, founder and director of Ssamba Foundation

The Makaye InfoSec – Uganda Development Projects

Ssamba Foundation will utilize the first phase of this financial grant from Makaye InfoSec to construct and upgrade two water ponds in Kyampisi into protected spring wells.

In many villages across the Subcounty, the existing water places are in a very poor condition. They are fed by ground water but without a confinement; groundwater mixes with surface flow that is contaminated by excreta from cattle, sheep and chicken that graze in the surrounding. The poor water quality leads to frequent diarrhea diseases that can be life-threatening especially for children.

Makaye InfoSec will also fund an agriculture project in Kyampisi through Ssamba Foundation aiming at improving the food and nutrition security and increasing the rural household incomes.

The Kyampisi sustainable backyard gardening project intends to facilitate economic sustainability for vulnerable women (especially widows) and vulnerable children (especially in child headed families) in Kyampisi Villages, Kyampisi subcounty, Mukono district, Uganda.

Mr. Ssamba while addressing the members of the communities who will benefit from the projects, emphasized the importance of good maintenance of projects and also for the beneficiaries to make sure that this support doesn’t only benefit them but the generations to come.

The Director of Ssamba Foundation, said “the funds will be utilized in constructing and protection of spring wells, sensitizing people on hygiene and sanitation care and kicking starting the backyard gardening project, we are very thankful to Makaye InfoSec for the support and together we can make the world a better place.”

While speaking to the Scribe News after the hearing of news of the new water supplies to be constructed in her community, Ms. Christine Namukasa, a local resident in Kyampisi couldn’t hide her joy –

“…. we are very grateful, and I am extremely happy for this help and development, no more diarrhea and cholera, may God bless you so much”- Ms. Namukasa. Christine Namukasa like many women in Kyampisi have been depending on dirty water from the ponds which are to be upgraded.

“Increasing the quantity of water allows for better hygiene practices. Raising the quality of drinking water reduces the ingestion of pathogens. With less disease, children can eat and absorb more food, thereby improving their nutritional status.”- Mr. Ssamba told journalists

“Also, a healthier adult population is a more productive population, and improvements in water and sanitation can improve income and the capacity to acquire food. Other benefits associated with better water delivery include time savings for primary caregivers, which can result in the preparation of more or better food for children.”- Ssamba continued.

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