
Uganda’s Presidential Hopeful Joseph Kabuleta Starts Tour of Home base Bunyoro

By Hassan Bulesa

Presidential hopeful, Joseph Kabuleta, will this Friday, the 14th of August 2020, head for Hoima in the Bunyoro region; the first visit to that region, since he declared his bid for presidency.

Kabuleta is a Munyoro from Rwenkobe-Bujumbura, so the region is justifiably abuzz with excitement. Preparations are ongoing for a procession that will meet him at R. Kafu and escort him “home” while many local radio stations have booked in advance to have him appear and talk about his ROCK (Reclaim Our Country and Kin) movement and his message of financial liberation. He is also expected to open ROCK offices in Hoima.

Bunyoro has for long been considered an NRM stronghold but Kabuleta’s visit as presidential candidate may easily and greatly tip the scales against the NRM.


NRM’s relationship with the region grows increasingly fragile with time as the Banyoro feel that, for all their loyalty, the region has been literally abandoned by government leaving it trailing behind other regions in so many ways.

Earlier in the week, NRM diehard, Sunday Byenkya sent shockwaves through the party when he abandoned NRM and declared that he will rally behind Kabuleta.

He cited a number of unfulfilled promises by the NRM to the people of Bunyoro as his reason for changing sides.

With Kabuleta’s visit to Bunyoro, it is expected more NRM and other party diehards will shift allegiance to the ROCK movement; the fact that the ROCK movement is all embracing and welcomes members from all parties is a big plus.


Since 1st July 2020, when Kabuleta announced his presidential bid. The man and his message of financial liberation have received overwhelming support with scores across the country saying they are a breath of fresh air in Ugandan politics.

Many Ugandans feel they have been “financially squeezed” for far too long and see only despair in the future, what with a government that continuously introduces new tax after new tax yet government spending keeps increasing.

“With the way things are going, soon the very air we breathe will be taxed,” joked a source I spoke to who requested anonymity, “but I have hope that with Kabuleta things will be different.

Another source, a young man I sat next to on a bus to Busia had this to say, “My two brothers, both graduates, went to the UK to do kyeyo and I was planning to do the same when Covid-19 struck.

Things are tight man, my degree is gaining dust…” the source lamented, “but I will hang around until after elections because for the first time, I feel some hope in my heart that this country will see an economic turnaround.

He is the only person I feel can do it because he has clearly opened up to us about the wealth of Uganda and how it can be harnessed for our benefit.

Those people (government) knew all this but no one said anything because they wanted it all for themselves. But the fact that Kabuleta has trusted Ugandans with this “secret” information is proof enough that he does not want the gains for himself.”

With such positive voices out for Kabuleta in other parts of Uganda, we can only hope that he will move out and set up ROCK offices in other regions as well.

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