LUKANGA SAMUEL; Uganda Politicians! Politics is meant to Serve the people, not one’s ego.

Aristotle’s statement that man is a “political animal” can be taken in a number of ways. One reading is to say that man is naturally sociable and that they are naturally drawn to various political associations in order to satisfy their social needs. Another reading, which sees the word “political” in a less charitable light, might state that, since politics is based upon violence and threats of violence, the phrase emphasises the “animal” side of human nature rather than its rational and cooperative side.
Political uncertainty in Uganda is manifest in at least four contentious issues: the constitution, electoral disagreements, the ambiguous role of the military and the unsettled question of presidential succession.
Those who turn their back on the violence inherent in politics, in Aristotle’s view, also turn their back on society – they declare themselves to be outlaws, without a “tribe”, and without a heart.
Uganda is facing multiple development challenges and the country’s political structures are hindering efforts to solve them. The country’s independent institutions, such as the judiciary, have been dragged into the mud of the country’s politics.
In this world, there is nothing like the eternal law of change but change is a natural law. Time passes, and the seasons change. There is both day and night. Mood, body, and principle all change.
If we look closely, we will notice that there is a pattern to all of these changes. The weather only changes at certain times of the year. The day arrives at a specific time. It is the night at a specific time. At a specific time, the moon and stars adorn the sky. The sun rises and sets at regular intervals.
What if the day becomes night? Will the summer season ever arrive in the winter? When did the sun come out at night and start to shine? When does the moon appear during the day? When such things begin to occur, anarchy will undoubtedly reign.
Unfortunately, there is a similar level of uncertainty in Ugandan politics. Political parties have been busy forming governments, forming light alliances with opposite-minded political parties.
Among others, Members of the press who cover Ugandan politics have been arrested, charged and beaten. Some journalists have even died as a result of their reporting.
Politics may be a game of uncertainty. But there must be some sense of certainty in this uncertainty. True, there are no permanent friends or enemies in politics, but even in this uncertain environment, there should be some predictability.
It is understandable to form a coalition government by reconciling with other parties who may have some ideological affinity. But to what extent is it appropriate to compromise with your ideological principles only for the pleasure of power, with such parties, with whom one’s ideological views do not match?
It is understandable to form a coalition government by reaching out to other parties with whom you may share ideological beliefs. This is a welcome idea to create a government with like-minded people. But what is happening in the country, is just contrary to that.
During the election campaign, these Ugandan politicians are seen spewing venom against each other. As long as these leaders are not with each other, they keep on counting on the failures of the opponent.
Sometimes a man who does not have any principle and who can change his stand as per his interest, was given to the adversary. And sometimes the title of Snake was given.
Then in response thereto we have witnessed counter-accusation of spreading hooliganism. These Ugandan politicians have only bothered to point out each other’s shortcomings.
Before the elections, these same politicians came to power by counting the shortcomings of their opposition and making countless promises. Parties can capture power only by counting the shortcomings of others and their achievements.
The people make their opinion keeping in mind the achievements of one party and the shortcomings of the other party. People also gave their precious votes to these politicians so that they fulfill the promise they made to the public.
But once the election is over, all these politicians, by compromising on their election promises, and principles, are engaged in enjoying the pleasures of power.
When it comes to their self-interest, these leaders, whom till yesterday they did not hesitate to call snakes, today only virtues are visible in them.
It seems that their main motto is to advance their self-interest at any cost, even if it cost compromising with their election promises and principles.
Their worry is not about the fulfillment of promises they have made to the public, rather they are more worried about this fact, whether their self-interest is protected or not.
What is this after all? How can such a leader with personal and vested ambitions do good to the people in the end? How can persons doing such selfish politics advance the interest of our nation?
After all, the general public does not elect these leaders to run the government based on their whims. After all, they must recognize the mandate of the people. They can not run the nation as per their own choice.
How can the state’s security be guaranteed in the hands of these power-hungry politicians? How can we get rid of this defection politics? Certainly, these power-hungry individuals can not benefit the general public.
Isn’t it time to put some limits on this tendency of government formation by compromising with own basic political principles? Some measures must be taken to instill a certain level of certainty in such political instability.
After all, the democratic system has been established to ensure the happiness of the people, not the leaders.
Let the democratic setup in the country be reformed in such a way that the interest of the common man at large may be advanced and not the political parties or leaders.
In an environment of uncertainty, systematic and long-term planning is subordinated to short-term and ad hoc maneuvers, thus obstructing the building of a firm foundation for structural transformation.
Lukanga Samuel
+256 785 717379
The writer is a Social Development Enthusiast and an Ambassador of Humanity.