
Cultural Believers to Make a Grand Entrance at Club Obligato in style

Enzikiriza Y’obuwangwa N’ennono, Tondism Faith has organized a cultural Musical festival for Music, dance, Traditional regalia, arts and poetry, aimed at promoting culture in Uganda and Africa at large.

The event is titled “Kampala Tuzze Cultural Fest” and shall be held on 10th/Nov/24 at New Club Obligato located in Wandegeya – Kampala, organized by Tondism Faith, Kasiko Mutaasa Development Foundation (KMDF) and Nyumya Media.

Tondism Faith High Priest Jjumba Lubowa Aligaweesa

“The event aims to celebrate and promote the rich cultural heritage through various activities, including the launch of cultural music, cultural books and publications, poetry and arts, musical battles, and showcasing traditional attires and regalia.

This vibrant festival will not only entertain but also educate attendees about their diverse cultural backgrounds and foster a sense of community” said Jjumba told reporters at the Faith HQs located at Kirowooza village in Goma Subcounty, Mukono district.

“This concert shall not disintegrate anyone’s culture and tradition; thus, everyone is free to clad their cultural wears that reflects their background across Africa.

Jjumba Lubowa Aligaweesa the Universal High Priest of Enzikiriza Y’obuwangwa N’ennono, Tondism Faith, the organizing body, added that all cultural musicians and others shall perform and the even shall commence at 2Pm.

The sponsors of this event include among others; Kasiko Mutaasa Development Foundation (KMDF), Kulanama Products, Nyumya Media, Vva Mubusibe, Agali Awamu SACCO, ENNONO TV, SK7 MEDIA, FP Electronics, and many others.

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