MIGABWE ZUBAIR: President Museveni Playing a Pivotal Role to the downfall of his own Regime in Busoga Sub Region

The continuous socio-economic problems that are prevailing in Busoga have left NRM Government ponder for support in Busoga, which was previously a strong hold of the regime.
This has left a vacuum which has been replaced by a legitimate opposition [NUP]. NUP’s Kyagulanyi took over Busoga by storm, something no one expected.
In SOCIAL WORK SETTINGS “when you fail to create a solution to a given problem, you become part of the problem. The former beloved president of Uganda is described as the main cause of the downfall of NRM regime particularly in Busoga due to his own repeated unfulfilled promises. The high level of unemployment that has affected Busoga has left the people financially crippled. We do believe that as human, we are vulnerable to mistakes but once you fail to learn from the first mistakes then we term that as human policy.
* The recently concluded general election of 2021 we saw the general fetching little votes in Busoga particularly due to floating of sugarcane prices which is seen as an economic base to the Basoga. To date, there has been no solution to the sugarcane problem and of course this favors Bobi wine in his forthcoming presidential bid of 2026. It’s paving a way for the NUP leader to take the throne of Busoga in the subsequent election. The People of Busoga have laid their hope and termed him[BOBIWINE] as their economic redeemer.
* Busoga region has been characterized as a region by low thinkers, alleging them to understand at the age of 45. This has been cleared out by a poetic proverb “the goat that dies in a barn of yams wasn’t killed by hunger but it’s laziness [chinua Achebe]
The Busoga region is blessed by an abundance of natural resources, fertile soils , natural water bodies including the source of the Nile but we see busoga enjoying no privilege mostly from the electricity apart from the frequent load shading as a reward
and it’s high cost.
Busoga struggles to harness and utilize their wealth not because they are lazy but ironically the very resources that should bring prosperity are ceded to foreign privileged government officials and foreigners.
This has left the people in Busoga region in a vicious cycle of poverty ,dependency, plagued by diseases and crippling debts in order to acces fees for their children and lively hood.
Basoga are dying of hunger , poverty even though they are surrounded by natural abundance. Indeed this is a fitting description of Busoga’s predicament.
* In Busoga there has been a royal slogan “Baba funvugha obufuru bufwe abana baghone olunkusense”Long live the Royal Highness may the silver fish die the children survive measles. The royal slogan phased out as president directives instructed civilians out of water and the related fishing activities. They have been subjected to brutal, hostile men in army uniform. Sincerely we don’t deserve this.
The chicken that fails to complain about the knife that killed it’s mother will twist it’s neck in the soup pot” When Busoga is faced with anger and annoyance, it’s crucial to direct their frustrations towards the president. Misplaced aggression or injustice occurs when a guilty party [NRM] escapes blame and then the innocent suffers.
It’s not fair for the anus to be that farted to be ignored while the head which did nothing bears the punishment with conks on the head.
We expect another big blow against NRM in the next general election of 2026 since Busoga men and women have forgotten how the fish tastes. Those who tell u do not put much politics in your art are not being honest . If you look honest, you will see that they are the same people who are quite happy with the regime/situation as it is.
The Writer , Mugabwe Zubair is a SOCIAL WORKER and POLITICAL ACTIVIST.
Tel:0756444906, mugabwezubairi@gmail.com