
Minister Babalanda Urges Church Leaders to Embrace Teamwork for Development

The Minister for Presidency, Hon. Babirye Milly Babalanda made her remarks yesterday January 12, 2024, during a Thanksgiving ceremony in Invunaba, Budodo, Jinja City, at the Seventh Day Adventist Church, where she presided as the Chief Guest.

Minister Babalanda emphasized the importance of praying to God for protection and strength through hardships. She highlighted that teamwork is a key theme, and even in faith, teamwork can foster togetherness,
“teamwork allows people to combine their skills and strengths to achieve a common goal that can lead us towards development”….

She urged church leaders and community members to work together as a team to drive development, stating that teamwork is the path to success just like Basoga says….”Obusoga Okwisanya Nnamani”

Minister shared an example from her work in the Office of the President, noting that teamwork has played a crucial role in their progress and development. She expressed concern over the lack of cooperation among the Basoga people, who, she said, tend to focus on pulling each other down instead of working together.

She called on the Basoga to unite for the betterment of their community and the country, stressing that division leads to misunderstanding and conflict.

She also thanked the church leaders for adopting a theme that encourages unity and community development, while spreading the word of the Lord.

Minister Babalanda urged RDCs and District Committees to promote teamwork within their communities, especially in fostering security, meetings, and the elimination of destructive practices that hinder development.

Mr. Lujja Benson, the Director of Maganjo Millers, joined the Minister to extend a special thanksgiving for the Lord’s blessings, which helped them overcome challenges in the previous year.

Pastor Suleiman Kyeyango of the SDA Church in Invunaba thanked the Minister for her support and efforts in completing the church mission house, where the leaders will stay to spread the gospel. Contributions towards the completion of the house were made by Minister Babalanda and other donors, totalling 11 million shillings.

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