
Rubanda Woman MP Hopeful Jacqueline Katabazi Urges Christians to Save and Work for Development

The Rubanda District Woman MP hopeful, Mrs. Jacqueline Katabazi, called on Christians to embrace prayer and hard work as essential pillars for holistic development.

Speaking on Friday during the launch of the Kakore Rugambwa Parish Traders and Farmers SACCO at Kakore Parish grounds, Mrs. Katabazi emphasized the importance of saving for both personal and family growth.

“No family can grow or develop without saving. Even little savings can grow into something very big for our families,” she remarked, encouraging everyone to start saving, regardless of the amount.

She also highlighted the need to borrow money responsibly for development purposes.

 “Development comes when you borrow money for a good project, but remember to pay it back,” she said, adding that repaying loans keeps SACCOs strong and capable of supporting all members.

Mrs. Katabazi expressed her gratitude to the Bishop of Kabale Diocese, Rt. Rev. Callistus Rubaramira, for consistently teaching the value of combining hard work with prayer.

 “Prayer alone can’t give you wealth. It’s a combination of hard work and prayer. Nothing else. And our Lord Bishop has always reminded us of this,” she explained.

To support the SACCO, Mrs. Katabazi donated 1 million Ugandan Shillings and provided a computer and printer to aid its administrative work.

Katabazi, is the wife of Col. Emmy Katabazi, Deputy Director General of the Internal Security Organization

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