Voxcasting announces a new Radio Streaming Server to Ugandan broadcasters

Voxcasting has introduced a new radio streaming server dedicated to Ugandan broadcasters.
According to Ms. Justine Basirika, the Managing Director of Voxcasting while unveiling the server, the move was done to help Ugandan broadcasters gain more internet visibility by helping them get a more customized radio streaming service that meets the current quality of internet services in Uganda which is characterized with a high latency.
Ms. Basirika noted that the high cost of internet and the high network latency affects the quality of streaming in Uganda thereby discouraging the consumption of streaming services. The technology deployed by Voxcasting will reduce the cost of internet data consumption thereby saving money to the Ugandan user.
“The server is installed with a technology that highly compresses the audio content picked from the studio thereby allowing a high speed upload and temporarily saves it on the server to allow the listener pick it without any delay. It makes the quality of the content to be even clearer than that picked via an ordinary radio set”, Ms. Basirika clarified.
The assigned server to Ugandan broadcasters will be hosted on ug1, ug2, ug3 and ug4. For instance those on server ug4 will be connecting via host ug4.voxcasting.com and each radio station will be connected to the server using a port identified by unique numbers.
Our target is to reduce service breakdown by 99.9% thereby providing a high quality streaming service for Ugandan broadcasters. The service will be rolled out to all broadcasters in Uganda starting first February 2024.
Ms. Catherine Birungi, the quality control Manager at Bookablehood, a company owning the voxcasting brand welcomed this as one of the moves by the company to commit to its policy of delivering high quality services to its customers. Bookablehood Ltd is an ISO 9001:2015 certified company.