GEORGE MUBIRU: Museveni’s mastery of leadership is the strength of the revolution

Gen. Museveni is a revolutionary leader who never take things for granted and always ahead of others. He is a leader who clearly explains the Proverb that “what you sows is what you reap”
Actually, the slick well oiled mzee plays his cards well knowing that if you want to achieve success, you must lay a strategy strategy of 95% . He emphasizes strategy and invests a lot of energy in it.
Museveni’s Mastery of Leadership is Uganda’s Critical Lifeline. He has remained steadfast in pursuing regional Integration, National Cohesion , Sovereignty & development. This is justified by exporting Peace to the region to countries like Somalia and democratic Republic of Congo. He has built a very strong, disciplined, professional and patriotic army on the black continent.
Gen. Museveni is a master of modern world politics. He knows the necessities of the new generation as well as what will be required of our state in the fore future. Mzee has superintended over the rejuvenation of a New society in Uganda on the principles of Patriotism & Pan Africanism which todate holds the independence and freedom of the people.
He has laid a solid foundation for the development of Uganda. He first set the pace of development through solving what was UGANDA’s chronic problem of insecurity and political insecurity coupled by a poor health sector. He mastered it right away that a society which is sick and insecure is very unproductive.
He fixed both security and health. currently, everyone appreciates the prevailing total peace and stability our country is experiencing since independence.
Additionally, the improved health system has increased the life span as well as productivity of the country which has stimulated economic development. From a minimal GDP of 3.9 billion USD in 1989, the economy has expanded to a tune of 53 billion USD to date.
There has been effective mobilisation of the citizenry to improve on the house hold incomes through numerous poverty intervention programs since 1992.
He has provided funds to different schemes starting with the Rural Famers Scheme (RFS) in 1992, Entandidkwa (seed capital) in 1995 which was shortly followed by NAADS, through prosperity for all (Bona Bagagawale), Operation Wealth Creation (OWC), Emyooga and now Parish Development Model (PDM) and GROW. All the above programs have run along with special funds to the youths through (YLP) and women.
To Bobi Wine
“The fly that struts around on a mound of excrement wastes his time; the mound will always be greater than the fly”
Dreaming of overthrowing Uganda’s most loved president in history is like an animal pretending to babysit the cub of a lion. Forget about becoming our president and I’m very sure you also know it. Just make your money from the outside donors as you hoodwink some foot soldiers to into bad acts to help you make accountability.
To NUP foot soldiers
Each time young people fail to get an agenda, they will find themselves running the agenda of other people. Pick a leaf from the foot soldiers who were hoodwinked into wrong doing suffering in prison and avoid NUP. Join the NRM stable ship and participate in the available socio-economic programs to improve on your daily income.
The writer, George Mubiru, is a Jinja based researcher, political analyst and Assistant RCC JINJA City.
Tel. 0754877595