
Local leaders warn anti vaccine cult leaders

By Gladys Kigozi

Mukono Local leaders have warned cult leaders spreading the anti vaccine messages telling parents not to vaccinate children, noting that they are risking people’s lives.

The Lc1 chairperson Lwanyonyi village Mr. David Bisaso warned cult leaders who are misleading parents instead of encouraging them to let their children take on the covid19 vaccines.

” I don’t want to see any cult leader in my village because they don’t mind about people’s health and yet everyone has a right to health care,” he said.

Cult Leaders are convincing parents in some villages to reject covid-19 vaccination noting that it’s their god that protects and heals all kinds of diseases. They all their followers are haven’t taken up the jab.

 One of the cult leaders identified as Prophet John with his followers are rejecting the need for taking covid-19 jabs.

 He said there is no need for people to go for vaccination because his god is the one in control. ” It is a matter of believing in my god that you can’t contract any Covid-19,” he said.

If you trust in me then just know that your health will always be fine.( Protection will be on you always).

There have been reports of low covid19 vaccination in remote areas where the cult leaders have influence but the district health team is trying hard to sensitise the public.

One of the followers identified as Alive Natongo said she is not going to get her children vaccinated. Through prayers she will be protected and cured from all diseases.

Another follower Sandra Nakimuli a resident of Lwanyonyi village Nama Sub-county Mukono district also said she will not get the vaccine because their God is everything and can solve each problem.

Mr. JohnBosco Nsabirye a local council 111 said, to take the vaccine, the district Administration are using the nudge approach to effect behavioural change among people.

 ” This is being done through sensitisation, issuance of notifications, counselling in the interest of masses, with the great interest of saving their lives and those of their near and dear ones,” She said.

He  blamed the cult leaders for confusing some people and advised them to always send a way such people( cult leaders) because they are fake.

” These cult leaders just want to confuse you, stick to what the government says so as to save your lives and I warn them to stop deceiving people,” he said.

The Secretary General for Inter religious council of Uganda Mr.Joshua Bitatule condemned the act of these cult leaders and noted that they should be arrested.

” Such people should not be entertained in the country, the locals should always tip police and they get arrested,” Mr. Bitatule said.

He said these people are not religious atall and don’t mind about people’s lives other than being  confused.

Back ground

Police warned cult leaders on spreading misleading information on vaccines.

Police spokesperson Mr Fred Enanga urged the public to follow only religious leaders who encourage them to go for the jab as it’s the only way to protect themselves from Covid-19 which has wreaked havoc in the country and the rest of the world.

He said those spreading messages against the vaccination exercise should be identified by local leaders and reported to relevant authorities.

Dr Jane Ruth Aceng, the Health minister, recently blamed the low uptake of vaccines on a reduction in risk perception among the population because of low Covid-19 numbers being reported and misinformation about the vaccines.

Dr. Aceng also said parents are to decide on whether to vaccinate children or not noting that force will not be used.

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