MUGENYI BRIAN: Braving for journalism opportunities on African Continent

Journalism is a determinant in shaping life and society so it is hard to live without it if one is to realize a difference in life on the Pearl of African Continent and mainly on my mother land Uganda thus far.
As I brave for journalism opportunities as we click 2025 with all arms akimbo in remaining relevant to shoot for stars I salute every journalist in Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania; and all and sundry on African Continent not forgetting fellow journalists under European Union that have shaped the umbrella of journalism as a profession to reckon with and my love and satisfaction is extremely irresistible. In life, it is good to have a dream, be a dreamer and work hard to attain the dream and I am not exceptional.
I grew up in a family where my father was a teacher; records officer as well as an office messenger in a low village Gayaza, Masaka City currently in Kimaanya, Kabonera Subcounty.
It was his relentless zeal to keep records that taught me to advocate for numbers and keeping records and accounts of relevant information and reports covered and written as well as writing an impactful story everyday whether about myself; friends or even an impactful individual in the society in governance, business as well as profiling purposeful individuals and ably keeping records just like my father way recollecting from way way back even during my high school days and advanced mentorship at Kampala University and further studies learnt through media trainings.
Hailing from faithful background from Ente clan; Mugenyi John Bosco my father loved us and showed us the way and as the first born in the family of eight children after their marriage; Christine Namugenyi, Priscillar Nampijja and Emmanuel Mugenyi; Erisa Mulema, Rameka Muwulya, Angellica Namuwulya and Daisy Mulema from the beautiful mother Ms Sarah Namagembe advocating for the journalism rights and social justice in the community has always been a core force to reckon with throughout my career and working as a research and Media Rapporteur for Human Rights Network for Journalists Uganda (HRNJ) led by the Executive director and Coordinator in Mr. Robert Ssempala and Moses Magoola with other fellow journalists and Media practitioners could make my dream a come true.
To many of us, the mother is the beginning of everything and I have learnt a lot from my mother and serving such a role could be inspired by a great inspiration for me and I owe it to my mother who is somewhat as cruel as a lion to shape us gently for the public to achieve the best out of us under the catholic and born-again Christians and goal driven setting.
Ms; Sarah Namagembe remains a loving mother who has ignited me to remain visionary and live up to my dreams just like the Former United States of America Barrack Obama of the United States of America who had a humble beginnings and braved the race and colour (Black) speculations to become the first black American President and Apostle Tom Mugerwa of Mutundwe Christian fellowship whose humble beginnings in exercising his role as a serving man of God and has impacted many peoples lives and lived his dream to total satisfaction.
Both parents have inspired me to love and trust in God and serve beyond self in living Jesus Christ and as a born again Christian thanks to Mutundwe Christian Fellowship under the stewardship of Pastor Tom Mugerwa there by esteeming the Holy Bible as our daily tea. Truly, my mother loves Jesus Christ and has inspired us to trust in him everyday in all our aspirations and live by exercising compassion to others.
A passionate creature who has smelt iron to get the best out of us and the marital life and relationship the pair Mr. Mugenyi John Bosco and Ms Sarah Namagembe have impacted my live and serving my journalistic role could be satisfying to them when granted a role to play as a Media Rapporteur for Human Rights Network for Journalists Uganda.
The turning point in journalism; social affairs and community awareness all gives me a reason to believe and fight to ignite the best out of me thanks to the fatherly mentorship of my exceptional boss in Mike Ssegawa also the Chief Executive officer of Watchdog Uganda Website as well as a civil servant whose words of encouragement and vision has aided me to aspire for serving the Media Rapporteur work with all my heart.
It is no crime to wake up early onto a research driven art of work from any journalist or newsroom in the country and abroad but walking down the talk to work as a Media Rapporteur for Human Rights Network for Journalists could live a stars on my heart as I live my life my following my destiny and serving beyond self to work under a formidable team of profession for steady progress.
The eight years and on in the profession of journalism has impacted my social life and society and the people I loved; lived up within the society are of a great impact just like anyone waking up to an opportunity to practice the journalism profession in the studios of British Broad Casting Services; BBC.
It is a journey and prospect of thinking for the best everyday or making an impact in lives of people in the society through the efforts of storytelling and living on the frontline of research and researching everyday.
The life I lived within the community leaders; conducting interviews day and night, speaking to this source to the other and crafting profiles of people have all been of a great impact and value to the society to tell the African story.
When I profiled the former Leader of opposition; Mathias Mpuuga currently of the Democratic Alliance party and Simon Ssenkaayi; attached to the Royal treasury in Buganda Kingdom as well as Brother Augustine Mugabo, the former St. Henry’s College Kitovu and many other projects and special reports a lot was learnt and still advocating to learn new things everyday.
As for clarity, there’s a lot of untapped potential and gold into a career I shot too and I appeal to the concerned party to ignite my passion and dream to come into a definite plan by the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and guidance as observed by the gifts of Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22).
Thanks to the philosophical guidance of the Managing Editor Watchdog Uganda Mike Ssegawa; Former Managing Editor Monitor Publications Limited Carol Beyanga and Daniel Kalinaki whose brilliant words of inspiration and mentorship gave me a reason to sleep less and write; right and tight for masses even when it meant surrendering life.
If journalism is of value to the society; then the pen and a writing pad is of value to my passion to serve as a Media Rapporteur and every writer should be respected and set the agenda if good grades and achievement in the society are to be realized.
The trend of journalism in a country is one that has granted peace in my life and kept me motivated to roar for the best every day.
That’s the trend of the Media Rapporteur work through journalism I would love to extend ahead and the creative world roars for thus far.
At some point one has to portray his image there and I live by the Grace of our Lord Jesus aiming to achieve the best and inspiring lives of people outside there through my writing profession and a career I esteem as a Media Rapporteur for Human Rights Network for Journalists Uganda Website.
It is no crime for one to sleep less and write and dedicate more time in reserving social justice through the pen and sharing godly given ideas with the society at any cost of share.
The Media Rapporteur as a role in the country is one that is necessary it requires mentorship, reading and reporting necessary work for the right of the profession both legal and social which I am ready to explore under friendly circumstances and growing slowly but on a digital modernized era led by social media influence; more credit to the business men and brains of Mark Zuckerberg and Bill gates of facebook and Microsoft to mention but a few entities I am ready to serve my purpose.
It is crystal clear that the rights of journalists should be protected including the sources we report about daily and without creative brains and prayers just like the country or the newsroom cannot shoot for stars without creative and brilliant leaders; writers; thinkers and journalists to mention but a few.
I hope to advocate for teamwork and braving circumstances to work effectively and showcasing my potential one day the God fathers of the nation will appreciate.
The newsroom is a home of everyone willing to sacrifice life whether roaring for gold at night or shooting the stars in the deep night.
For those that have written; and made usage of their talents to impact life in society such as Uganda’s long serving president Museveni; as seen in his book Sowing the Mustard Seed book and Buganda’s premier Charles Peter Mayiga; Patrick Bitature; Inspired by Bitature and the ‘Power of Self’ Ssenkaayi, Former United States of America president (Dreams from my father) and Think big by author Ben Carson greatly shows the efforts of writing and thinking for the country and the profession through books couldn’t frustrate and disappoint the generation that says I am ready to work as a Media Rapporteur years on.
As a country, it is no crime to say that journalism and creative thinkers as it is are crucial to the growth and planning purposes of the country.
For any Society to succeed there must be a true living Hero willingly to sacrifice for the best of the society and so do the duties of Media Rapporteur and journalistic work of a value to the society.
It is a huge experience to share matters of experience with a willing and learned society and it is a share of billion dollars for one to put what has been seen and made out from experience.
Through experience people have gone on to win big, become formidable leaders after advocating for freedom and rights of others more importantly Barack Obama formerly the United States of America President and at a tender age.
The theme of the day as we gear up for 2025 ahead of the opportunities and aspirations is to ensure that whoever lives in the country holds capacity zeal and willingness to achieve the best for his or her country through serving and working and braving for an opportunity as a Media Rapporteur for Human Rights Network for Journalists Uganda remains outstanding for me to achieve and by the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, Mercy and Favour may all candles be lighted up for me to live my dream.
The Author; Brian Mugenyi is a member of Human Rights Network for Journalists Uganda (HRNJ) and a Ugandan journalist advocating for freedom of media and Human Rights attached to Greater Masaka Journalists Association (GMJA) too
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