Personality of the Week

Ugandan Education Consultant Revolutionizes School Management with Akademik IT

KAMPALA, Uganda: Ms. Justine Basirika, a graduate teacher in Primary Education, has developed an innovative school management system called Akademik IT, which is transforming the quality of education services in Uganda. Basirika created Akademik IT to enhance her interaction with students during the COVID-19 lockdown and has since continued to improve the system.

Akademik IT is a comprehensive platform that streamlines school operations, enabling teachers, students, and parents to connect and access vital information easily. The system has received widespread acclaim, with the District Education Officer (DEO) in Kayunga, Mr. Dan Bubale, praising Basirika for her ingenuity.

“Akademik IT is a game-changer for our education sector,” said Mr. Bubale. “I encourage all school owners to adopt this system, as it will significantly improve the quality of education and communication among stakeholders.”

Dr. George Wateta, Headteacher of Kangulumira Public Secondary School, has seen firsthand the positive impact of Akademik IT on school enrollment. “The system has improved our admission process by automating it, making it more efficient and convenient for both students and staff,” he said.

Grace Orone, a teacher at Aga Khan Education Services in Kampala, praised the features of Akademik IT, noting that it provides a complete school management system. “The automation of processes such as admissions, library management, and school fees management has made our work easier,” she said. “It’s essential for education stakeholders to embrace automation to improve the quality of education.”

Akademik IT allows school owners to automate all processes, including admissions, library management, school fees management, communication management, and more. Parents and stakeholders can receive automated SMS notifications whenever an activity is registered against a student, keeping them informed about their child’s progress.

“Akademik IT has made a huge difference in my teaching experience,” said Basirika. “I’m thrilled to see how it has positively impacted my students and the education community as a whole.”

As Akademik IT continues to gain traction, it is clear that Basirika’s innovative approach will have a lasting impact on Uganda’s education sector.

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Lizzy as known at Scribe is professional passionate Journalist. Very jolly but serious when it comes to handling information. She can create change. She has created change. She will create change. Have we said all about her?

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